Thursday, June 11, 2015

What is the history of California discovered and named by that name

Cf radioactive chemical element, trivalent. [1] plant chemical element in the periodic table symbol (palm - Cf) its atomic number 98 was discovered by

extrusion element curium alpha particles and has a few uses

It 252cf have a half-life of 2.6 years with a high radioactivity. Where is the source of neutrons (1 micro gram of it radiates about 170 million neutrons per minute.) Does not have any role in Baolga life and little studied compounds such as (Cf2O3) (CfCl3) (CfOCl)

It was synthesized in the March 17, 1950 by researchers from the University of California. It has been named to the University of California Name
While in nature [edit]
Although the element does not exist in the ground naturally. However, it exists in the universe emitted in what is known as the electro magnetic supernova
It was discovered nine isotopes him the most stability 251Cf half-life of 898 days and 249Cf half-life 351 years and 250Cf half-life 13 years Other radioactive isotopes have a half-life of less than 2.7 years, and most of them about twenty minutes and the weight of atomic isotopes Atrauah between 237.062 (237Cf) to 256.093 (256Cf).

What is antimatter and uses industrial production

In particle physics, antimatter is an extension of the concept of antiparticle of the material, where antimatter is composed of antiparticles in the same way that make up ordinary matter of

molecules. For example, electron counter (positron is an electron with a positive charge) and antiprotons (Proton is negatively charged) can form an anti hydrogen atom in the same way that constitutes the electron and proton Hedrouhan normal corn. Moreover, mixing of the material with antimatter leads to the courtyard, each in the same way perish particles and antiparticles, resulting in significant energy photons from the emergence of (gamma rays) or other pairs of particles and antiparticles.

There is a lot of speculation about why the perceived universe fully composed almost of the article, and whether there are other places almost entirely made up of antimatter, and Why occur if the exploitation of antimatter, but at this time is an asymmetry clear of matter and antimatter in the visible universe is one of the major unsolved problems in physics. Evolving process through which the symmetry between particles and antiparticles called synthesis baryon

There is one way to denote the antiparticle is to add bar (or shifty) on the particle code. For example, proton and antiproton are writing and p, p, respectively. The same rule applies if you're writing a particle by its constituent elements. Valbrooton consists of u u d quark, so Valbrooton counter must be composed of u u d quark counter. There are known to last a distinction molecules by electric ship them. Thus, the icon of the electron and positron b e- - and + e + in parallel.

Origin and asymmetry Almost everything is aware of the ground seems to be a component of the article rather than antimatter. Many scientists believe that increasing the article about antimatter (known as baryon asymmetry) are the result of a defect in the production of particles of matter and antimatter in the early universe, in a process called synthesis baryon. The amount of material that can be observed at the present time in this universe requires an imbalance in the early universe under a single particle of Article billion in exchange for a pair of particles of matter and antimatter. [1]
Antimatter is created everywhere in the universe where high-energy particles collide. High-energy cosmic rays that affect the Earth's atmosphere (or any other material in the solar system) produces small amounts of antimatter resulting from the flow of particles, which perish immediately by friction with nearby article. Similarly, it may be produced in regions like the center of the Milky Way and other galaxies, where very active celestial events occur (mainly the interaction between the plasma flows with interstellar media). And the existence of antimatter resulting discoverable through gamma rays produced when positrons annihilate with Article nearby. And it indicates the frequency and wavelength of gamma rays that carries all 511 kilo-electron volts of energy (ie the rest of the mass of the electron or positron multiplied by c2 2).
The recent remarks made by the European Space Agency to gamma rays (International Laboratory Astrophysics gamma rays) satellite may explain the origin of a giant cloud of antimatter surrounding the galactic center. Observations show that the cloud is symmetrical pattern and match X-ray binaries, binary star systems containing black holes or neutron stars, most of them on one side of the galactic center. While this mechanism is not fully understood, it is likely to involve the production of pairs of electron and positron, and ordinary matter Otnale get tremendous energy falling into the remnants of stars. [2] [3]
Antimatter may exist in large quantities in a relatively distant galaxies due to cosmic inflation in the primitive time of the universe. NASA is trying to determine whether this is true search for X-rays and gamma rays events indicate that the yard in a collision Great blocs

Industrial Production
Also produces anti molecules in any environment with a temperature high enough (ie, greater than the energy production of a pair threshold) of the particles. During the synthesis baryon, when the universe was extremely hot and dense, the matter and antimatter produced and constantly perish. The presence of the rest of the article, and the absence of the remnants of the anti undiscovered material, [5] also called baryon asymmetry, due to the disruption of the country on Article symmetry and antimatter. The mechanism is still accurate for this imbalance during synthesis baryon a mystery.
Positrons are also produced by radioactive beta + </ sup> decay, but this mechanism can be considered a "natural" and "artificial".

In 1995 Sirin announced that it had successfully produced nine atoms of antihydrogen through the implementation of the sub-regional office / Fermilab concept during the PS210 experiment. The experiment was performed using the anti-proton ring with a little power, and was led by Walter Oalert and Mario Macri. Fermilab confirmed the results of CERN through the production of nearly 100 atoms of antihydrogen in their facilities.
Alhedrugim anti-atoms created during PS210, and subsequent experiments (at both CERN and Fermilab) were very active ("hot") was not well suited for the study. To work around this obstacle, and a better understanding of hydrogen counter, has been formed for them to cooperate in the late nineties - Athens and ATRAP. In 2005, Athens replaced and some of the former members (with others) formed Alpha cooperation, which is also located at CERN. The main objective of such organizations is the production of hydrogen Anti less active ("cold"), more suitable for the study.
In 1999 CERN activated the Antiproton Decelerator, a device capable of slowing antiprotons from 3.5 eV to 5.3 million electron volts, still "hot" for the production of study - effective antihydrogen, but a huge leap forward.
Athens project announced in late 2002 that he had created the first anti Hedrgen "cool" in the world. And anti-protons used in the experiment was cool enough Ptbatahm (using the Antiproton Decelerator), passing them through a thin layer of paper, and finally grab them into the trap of writing. And also subject to random antiproton cooling in several stages during the operation.
The cooling antiprotons team to Athens in an effective process, but did not succeed greatly. About 25 million antiprotons leave slowdown antiprotons; nearly 10 thousand to make it into the trap of writing.
In early 2004, researchers in Athens issued statements about a new way antihydrogen a low energy to create. The technique involves slowing antiprotons using slow antiprotons, and injected into the trap of writing (writing specifically, Malmberg trap [citation needed] once trapped in the antiprotons are mixed with electrons that have been cooled to the energy potential of much less than the antiproton; resulting Coulomb collisions cooling antiprotons Although the warming electrons until particles reach a balance of nearly 4 k.
While the antiprotons are being cooled in the first trap, a small cloud of positron plasma is injected into the second trap (the mixing trap). An echo into the trap of confusion between the areas of custody and can control the degree of positron plasma temperature, but this procedure is most effective when the plasma is in thermal equilibrium with the environment in the trap. And positron plasma cloud is generated in the complex positron prior to injection; positron source usually radioactive sodium.
Once enough antiprotons for cooling, and antiprotons - the electron is transferred into the trap of confusing mixture (containing the positron). And thus electrons are removed through a series of rapid pulses into the trap of mixing in an electric field. When you reach the antiproton positron plasma as well as Coulomb collisions occur, resulting in a further cooling of the antiprotons. When positrons and antiprotons approach thermal equilibrium antihydrogen atoms begin to take shape. Being neutral antihydrogen atoms are not affected by the trap and can leave the confinement fields.
Using this method, researchers Athens is expected that they will be able to create up to 100 antihydrogen atoms Executive per second.
Athens and ATRAP are now seeking to further cool the antihydrogen atoms by subjecting them to the field is homogeneous. While antihydrogen atoms are electrically neutral, spin produces magnetic moment. These magnetic moments vary depending on the direction of rotation of the atom, and can escape from heterogeneous fields regardless of electrical charge.
The biggest limiting factor in the production of antimatter is the availability of antiprotons. Data newly released by CERN states that when fully operational facilities capable of producing 10 7 antiprotons per second. [Citation needed] Assuming that the optimal conversion of antiprotons to antihydrogen, it would take two billion years to produce 1 gram or 1 mole of antihydrogen (approximately 6.02 × 10 23 atoms of antihydrogen). Last limiting factor of antimatter production is storage. As mentioned above there is no known to store antihydrogen effective way. Project Athena has been able to maintain the antihydrogen atoms from annihilation for tens of seconds-enough time to study for a brief period in their behavior.
Hydrogen atoms are the simplest things that can be considered a "matter" rather than molecules only.
At one time, and trapping of antiprotons antihydrogen was reported [6] and cooling is achieved; [7] There are patents on the method for the production of antihydrogen. [8]
Helium counter
A small number of isotope helium nuclei counter, \ scriptstyle {\ mathrm {^ 3 \ overline {He}}} created in the collision experiments.

Tun anti antihydrogen benefit [6] and cooling is achieved; [7] There are patents on the method for the production of antihydrogen. [8]
Anti helium [edit]
A small number of isotope helium nuclei counter, \ scriptstyle {\ mathrm {^ 3 \ overline {He}}} created in the collision experiments. [9]
Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: positron
Positron been reported [10] in November 2008 that it has been created by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in greater numbers than any previous artificial process. And laser led the ionized electrons through a radius of millimeter gold target nuclei, which caused the incoming electrons to emit quanta of energy, which decayed in both matter and antimatter. Positrons were detected at a higher rate and greater intensity than ever detected in the laboratory.
Past experience has provided less of positrons using a laser beam, and the goals of thin paper, but the new simulation showed that a very short and intense laser millimeter thick gold are much more effective source. [11]
You can not store antimatter in a bowl made of ordinary matter because antimatter interact with any material affect them, and exterminate itself and the container. Antimatter of charged particles can be contained through a combination of an electric field and a magnetic field in a device known trap writing Penning trap is made up. This device can not be with it, contain antimatter, which is made up of charged particles, which are used in atomic traps. In particular, you may like the trap of using the moment dipole (electric or magnetic) of trapped particles; in high vacuum, and the matter or particles of antimatter (suspension) with can be trapped and cooled a bit outside the resonant laser radiation (see, for example, magneto-optical trap magnetic trap). Small molecules can also be suspended only by intense beams of light in optical tweezers.
Antimatter more substances are considered expensive to exist, at an estimated cost of $ 25 billion per gram of positron [12], and $ 62.5 trillion per gram of antihydrogen. [13] This is because production is difficult (only be produced few protons counter reactions in particle accelerator), and because there is an increase in demand for other uses of particle accelerators. According to CERN, it may cost a few hundred million Swiss francs (/ 0 for the production of about 1 billionth of a gram) amount used so far for particle / antiparticle collisions). {1 /}
Several studies of the Institute for Advanced Concepts NASA explores whether it may be possible to use magnetic scoops to collect the antimatter that make up naturally in the belt Van Allen of the Earth, and then, belts of gaseous planets huge, like Jupiter, and hopes to lower cost per gram. [14 ]
Medical Uses
Antimatter reactions to practical applications in medical imaging, such as positron emission tomography. In the decomposition of the positive beta, a loss Vaidhanoadh positive for shipment by positron emission (at the same event, a proton becomes a neutron, and also Newtrinoaoagaf). And made radionuclides with surplus positive charge easily on a large scale in the cyclotron for medical use.
Antimatter collisions lead to the emission of a photon, turning static full mass of the particles into kinetic energy. And energy per unit mass (9 × 10 16 J / kg) is about 10 times the value of the exponential of chemical energy (compared with TNT in 4.2 × 10 6 J / kg, and the formation of water on the 1.56 × 10 7 J / kg) , about 4 orders of the larger size of nuclear energy that can be liberated today using nuclear fission (about 40 million electron volts per 238 </ sup> U transmuted to the nucleus of lead, or 1.5 × 10 13 J / kg), and about 2 orders of size is larger than the best possible merger (about 6.3 × 10 14 J / kg for Proton Proton series). The reaction of 1 kg of antimatter for 1 kg of material will produce 1.8 × 10 17 J (180 Balbatajul) Power (by mass energy tie formula E = MC ²), or the equivalent of crude of 43 mega tons of TNT. By way of comparison, the bomb Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear was blown up, was of the crop estimated 50 megatons, which requires the use of hundreds of kilograms of fissile material (uranium / plutonium).
You can not use all hee energy by any payment technology and realistic, because up to 50% of the energy produced in the interactions between nucleons and Alnuklionat anti holds Alenetrino away in these applications, so for all intents and purposes, can be considered lost. [15]
Ideas antimatter rockets, missiles such as the red spectrum, suggests the use of antimatter as fuel for travel between the planets or possibly interstellar travel. Since the energy density of antimatter is much higher than conventional fuels, and the trend to the weight of the equation for this craft will be very different from the traditional spacecraft.
Scarcity of antimatter means that it is not readily available to be used as fuel, although it can be used in antimatter catalyzed nuclear pulse payment required for space applications. Generate antiproton and one is very difficult and requires particle accelerators, and enormous amounts of energy millions of times more than is released after it is annihilated with the matter due to the shortcomings in the process unusual. Known methods for the production of energy from antimatter also produces an equal amount of natural material, so the theoretical limit is that half of the energy input is converted to antimatter. Counterweight to this, when antimatter spend on an ordinary article, energy equal to twice the mass of antimatter, until the liberalization of the energy storage in the form of antimatter can (theoretically) be 100% effective.
For more regular applications (ground), but (like a normal transport, and use in portable generators, and operation of the cities, ...), artificially antimatter is not suitable, energy carrier in spite of high energy density, because the process of creating involves antimatter a large amount of waste and is extremely inefficient energy. According to CERN, can not only part one of the ten billion dollars (10-10) of energy, which is investing in the production of antimatter particles can be recovered at a later time. [16]
Antimatter production is currently very limited, but has been growing at a rate nearly engineering since the first discovery of the antiproton in 1955 by Chamberlain will be. [Citation needed] The current production of antimatter rate is between 1 and 10 nanograms per year, and this is expected to rise to between 3 and 30 nanograms per year by 2015 or 2020 with the ultra-new facilities linear accelerator at CERN and Fermilab connection. Some researchers claim that with current technology, it is possible to get the antimatter to $ 25 million per gram by optimizing the parameters of the collision and collection (given the current electricity generation costs). Antimatter production costs, and mass production, and are almost tied in writing with electricity costs, and even economic purely Antimatter applications Payment is unlikely to come online without the emergence of technologies such as deuterium - tritium fusion power (assuming that such a fact would that the energy source proves to be cheap). Many experts, however, dispute these allegations as being far too optimistic by many orders of magnitude. They point out that in 2004, annual production and antiprotons at CERN was several picograms at a cost of $ 20 million. This means that produces 1 gram of antimatter, CERN would need to spend $ 100 quadrillion and operation of antimatter factory for 100 billion years. Storage is another problem, as they are negatively charged antiproton and repel against each other, so can not be concentrated in a small size. Plasma oscillation in a cloud of antiprotons charge can cause instability which antiprotons expelled from the storage trap. For these reasons, so far only a few million antiprotons have been stored at the same time in the magnetic trap, which is equivalent to much less than femtogram. Antihydrogen atoms or neutral molecules in principle, so they do not suffer from the problems of plasma antiprotons described above. But cold antihydrogen is much more difficult than the production of antiprotons, and so far have not been fishing atom of antihydrogen atoms in a magnetic field.
One of the researchers said in the CERN laboratories, which regularly produce antimatter:
If we could assemble all of the antimatter we've ever made at CERN and annihilate it with matter, we would have enough energy to light a single electric light bulb for a few minutes

The use of plutonium and its characteristics and use of synthetic nuclear

Plutonium-239 is one of the isotopes of plutonium, which is used to produce atomic bombs. Also used in uranium -235 this purpose. The plutonium as well as uranium -239 -235 and -233 of uranium materials that are

used as nuclear fuel in nuclear reactors to produce electricity.
Nuclear properties
The reason for the use of plutonium -239 in nuclear weapons production and nuclear reactors to the appropriate properties and to .

Chemical element helium

 Helium is a chemical element with the symbol He has the atomic number 2. helium in the periodic table is located within the elements of the first session and at the head of the elements of the
Eighteenth Group. In standard conditions of pressure and temperature, the helium is a colorless, odorless gas, is non-toxic and has no taste. Helium belongs to the noble gases, so it is an inert gas monatomic, and because there are no idle chemical molecules him, he is always there in the atomic image. Helium and less than the boiling point of fusion compared to the rest of the chemical elements, is found most often in the gaseous state except for very special circumstances.
Helium is the second lightest element in the universe after hydrogen, as it is the second most abundant element in the universe, which constitutes 24% of the universe for the mass elements. For the abundance on the ground, the helium rare naturally, where constitutes only 5.2 ppm for the atmosphere. Several of helium isotopes but more than 99% of the helium on earth is helium-4, which consists of two protons its nucleus and two neutrons two.
There helium gas in some natural gas fields by up to 7% by volume, where is extracted from there by fractional distillation. It should be noted that the sources of helium are running out, where it is the only item that has escape velocity, meaning that when released into the atmosphere it seep into outer space. [2] [3] [4]
Helium is used in deep cooling techniques, especially for cooling the high-conductivity magnets used in magnetic resonance imaging technology devices. Also taken advantage of the characteristics of the inert gas helium as a gas used in the visor in arc welding and in the manufacture of silicon chips operations.

It costs $ 1,000 per gram. Helium 3, is a gas created when decomposed substance tritium radiation, and scientists hope to use this gas for the production of energy from the fusion process, the same process taking place in the sun, but the dilemma is that this rare gas on the ground to the point that NASA has studied the possibility of gas production on the land of the moon, where the molecules coming from the sun are clustered there.

Platinum metal features and uses, anywhere is extracted

Per gram costs about $ 500 each year being a few hundred tons to change my production of this rare metal, and metal is less interaction between the metals from the ground, including in high heat. For this reason, widely used in
chemical laboratories and in the dental industry.

Some women have begun to shrug buy yellow gold and white gold to their inclination, to keep up with the current fashion, or for the enjoyment of the beauty and attractiveness of more than yellow, may be due to the culture of the community itself, or to the personal taste of each woman.
Platinum is the primary metal in the platinum group metals, which include palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium. Each of those metals have the physical and chemical properties make it an indispensable

What is the metal rhodium and its uses and characteristics

Human discovered the treasures of the earth and content of metals of value, and the work on the extraction and use in the tools industry, then the evolution of use for these metals with

scientific progress day after day, has markets accounted for most of these minerals psychological expensive balance of the global economy, since the physical value affect large commercial and physical exchange of countries and each other, and were the basis for calculating the value of international currencies, has also been used many of them in the currency industry, and ornaments, and entered into a medical and therapeutic industries, and today we know the best of those precious metals on the surface of the earth.

 Radium chemical element in the periodic table, and his character Rh, atomic number 45. It is a rare transition metal solid. One of the platinum group. And exist in nature mixed with platinum ore. It is the most expensive precious metals at all and the reason Glaih due to the increased cost of extraction process, where the extraction process must be done through the purification precious metal platinum price and the difficulty of separation of known compounds that combine with Kalrodiom.
Frenchmen discovered by physicists Pierre and Marie Curie and Msaadahma Gustav Beaumont in 1898 during their experiences on metal Alaoraninayat (Alapthiblnd). A mineral containing uranium ore.
The cost per gram is about $ 300, this metal makes strange soft materials harsh. This property is exploited Weber gas industry hardener for their products. Radium is used widely in car exhaust industry, where radium in Ketelizatr able to convert harmful gases into harmless gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
* Supernova: is a type of supernovae and expression shows several massive stellar explosions which aims its cover star in space at the end of its life. Lead to the formation of spherical cloud around the star very glamorous (severe sparkles) of plasma.
* Mohs scale: Scale is used to denote the ability of different materials to resist scratching any amount Slaptha.oeetm by examining the ability of a solid material to scratch material hardness less of them.

A metal rare silvery-white, and excellent corrosion-resistant and reflective dramatically. It uses pure rhodium factory owners in the latter stages of the lights and floodlights jewelry industry. It is also used in electrical connections, and cursing with platinum for the manufacture of turbine engines for aircraft. And help such alloys as a catalyst in some industrial processes, such as nitric acid industry and some hydrogenation of organic compounds. ± 100 ° m and density of 12.41 g / cm² at 20 ° C. Separation of material rhodium, English chemist William H. Wollaston, in 1803.

A mineral discovered by William Hyde Wollaston in 1803, and is one of the precious metal expensive, because of the high extraction costs, rhodium and is characterized as metal non-corrosive, good conductivity of electricity, enters in the jewelry industry, is also included in the platinum for the manufacture of turbine aircraft engines industry

Radium only in the chemical industry, and all metal rhodium compounds used cause poisoning and cancer. They also leave marks of the strong spots on the skin. There are no any results indicate the occurrence of food poisoning because the rhodium concentrations slim

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